3 Big Artificial Intelligence (AI) Mistakes in Property Management

ellen red longsleeve smiling
I’ve gotta have a rant today.

There’s something that a lot of property managers are doing on social media right now…

And it’s driving me crazy!
(okay, maybe I’m being dramatic… but it’s bothering me)

As ChatGPT is gaining popularity in our industry, more and more property managers, BDMs, rent roll owners are starting to use it for social media content.

But that’s not the thing that’s driving me crazy.

I truly believe that ChatGPT is an excellent way to create more social media content.

So here’s the thing that’s driving me crazy:

So many people are clearly not proofreading these posts that have been written by ChatGPT.

Here’s what I’m seeing:

Excessive emoji use – if every paragraph of the post starts and ends with 2 emojis… we all know that ChatGPT wrote that post for you.  Unless it’s naturally your style to use heaps of emojis… this can make your posts look and sound like someone else (not you).

American spelling – if the social post spells it “maximize” not “maximise”… we all know that you didn’t proofread that post by ChatGPT.  If you’re based in Australia, you need to be using Australian/English spelling.

Terrible opening lines – when the social post starts with “Hey everybody” or “Celebrating this win” or… each of the words in the first line of the post is capitalised (eg: Announcing The Latest Market Update From Our Office)… it’s a ChatGPT post.

So why do these things frustrate me?

Because these ChatGPT posts are becoming the new “stock photos”.

When you post a stock photo on social media, your audience knows that’s not actually you or your team.

But when you post a photo of you or your team on social media, your audience responds, and engages more genuinely with you.  (Seriously, test this and see the difference between a stock photo from Canva and a selfie of you)

And an unedited ChatGPT post is the same thing.

It’s not you.

But this rant isn’t one to tell you to stop using ChatGPT.

Quite the opposite.

Keep using ChatGPT for your social media (or start using it, if you’re not using it yet).

But please proofread and edit your posts.

Make sure they look, sound and feel like you.

Your audience knows the difference between you and a robot.

So use the robot… but then add your humanity to it.

ChatGPT is an amazing tool to help you with your content.

But it’s not a replacement for you.

Your social media should be uniquely you… that’s what your audience deserves.

What do you think?

Let me know in a comment on this post.

Want monthly prompts for your property management social media?

Join The Content Club and I’ll give you fresh ChatGPT prompts and pre-written property management content for your social media and content marketing and I’ll show you how to proofread and edit posts from ChatGPT in our live content creation sessions (because they still need to be proofread by you, of course 😉).

Click here to join The Content Club today.

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Ellen Bathgate

Ellen Bathgate

My career in property management, combined with my personal experience of starting and growing a rent roll from scratch, has taught me the value of content marketing as a powerful growth strategy.