Creating a Content Calendar for Property Managers

Creating a Content Calendar for Property Managers

Do you have loads of content to write, publish in mind, yet feeling unsure of how to organise them, while juggling your role as a property manager? Let’s talk about something that can save you a lot of time and keep your content fresh and engaging –...
Utilising User-Generated Content for Rent Roll Growth

Utilising User-Generated Content for Rent Roll Growth

Are you feeling the hassle of trying to grow your rent roll while juggling a thousand other tasks? Trust me, I get it. But today, I want to let you in on a little secret that can make your work a whole lot easier (and more efficient): user-generated content (UGC). You...
Social Media Strategies for Attracting Landlords

Social Media Strategies for Attracting Landlords

Do you want to attract more landlords through social media and grow your rent roll? Social media is one of my favourite strategies for rent roll growth.! Here are some strategies to target and engage landlords on social media. Know Your Audience First things first,...
Master Email Marketing for Effective Rent Roll Growth

Master Email Marketing for Effective Rent Roll Growth

If you’re a property manager or rent roll owner feeling overwhelmed with juggling the myriad tasks of property management, I’ve got some important advice for you. I want to walk you through  email marketing and how it can be your tool for rent roll growth. Yep, you...